April News
Important new stuff!
Club Plates
Get a system and someone will find a way to rort it. Our Club Plate system is a privilege not a right and the Club will not be used for people trying to short term register cars for resale.
So as from now (April 13) no more than TWO new cars can be registered in a 12 month period to any Club member.
Applications may be subject to Committee approval
Your documentation must be complete and truthful in every detail
Do not expect the Register Sec to turn cartwheels for you to get fast registration. Allow 28 days
Here's how register your car on Club Plates again:
You must be a financial member of the HTCAV. If you become unfinancial your Club rego is invalid.
Download the Club Permit form from VicRoads website
Download the HTCAV Club Permit form
Get a roadworthy for your car
Take two pictures for our Register book, three quarter shots from front and rear
Send it in to Gordon Cox PO Box 379 Bundoora 3083 Vic with your once-off $25 application fee
When you get the signed form back take it to VicRoads and pay the money, get the plates.
If you sell the car you must notify Gordon immediately
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The Forum will not only soon be made more accessible, but under a new name – Historic Touring Cars Australia – it will now cate for historic touring car drivers from all over Australia, following a request from the AHTCA.
Stay tuned, this could be big…
The Club will be investigating sponsorship, initially on a meeting by meeting basis, with the aim of returning sponsorship funds to entrants to defray the costs following a relaxation of the CAMS HCC rules. Do you have a business that may wish too become involved or do you know someone who might? We are also getting Club assets such as race sponsorship opportunities and magazine/website worth professionally valued in this regard. Note that the this DOES NOT open the door for individual sponsorships or stickers on cars, but if a sponsor wishes to associate with our racing, windscreen banners can be applied.